Sunday, November 9, 2008

What if ...

What do you think would have happened if Brian had found the survival pack much earlier? Would he be the same person he became under the book's circumstances?


Sixth Grade Blogger said...

If Brian found the survival pack earlier, I think he would have been healthier earlier and maybe he would have gotten rescued earlier. I think he would be a different person because he wouldn't be in the wilderness as long as he was and he wouldn't have learned as much as he did.


Sixth Grade Blogger said...

If Brian found the survial pack earlier he would have changed that much and he would be able to make fire and hunt much easier. If he had to hunt. And he probobly would have been rescued earlier.



Sixth Grade Blogger said...

If Brian found the survival pack much earlier he would not have had to go through as much trouble for findind food and water. I don't think he would've been the same because Brian came out stronger living upon himself
and the food and other items would help him by the item its self


Sixth Grade Blogger said...

If Brian found the survival pack much earlier he would not have had to go through as much trouble for findind food and water. I don't think he would've been the same because Brian came out stronger living upon himself
and the food and other items would help him by the item its self


Sixth Grade Blogger said...

If Brian found the survival pack much earlier he would not have had to go through as much trouble for findind food and water. I don't think he would've been the same because Brian came out stronger living upon himself
and the food and other items would help him by the item its self
