Sunday, November 9, 2008

Vocab Quiz

Use this link to practice your vocabulary for weeks 2 and 3:

Week 2:

Week 3:


Is the simple title, Hatchet, effective at stimulating interest and identifying the central theme? What did you think the book might be about based on the title?

The Secret

What is the Secret and why is it eating at Brian's emotions?

Invented Names

Brian invents names for things that are unfamiliar to him: "gut cherries," "spearwood," "foolbirds." How does he form these names? DO other people generally name things in this way, if so, give an example and explain.

Brian's Dreams

How do Brian's dreams help him survive? What other sources of inspiration does he have?


Why is fire referred to as "a friend and a guard."


What tools does Brian make and for what does he use them? How does this accomplishment make Brian feel about himself and his situation?


In what two ways does Brian measure time? Which way has the most meaning for him and why? Can you think of any other way that he could measure time? Explain.

Patience and Observation

What role do patience and observation play in Brian's survival? How do Brian's powers of patience and observation change in the course of the book?

What if ...

What do you think would have happened if Brian had found the survival pack much earlier? Would he be the same person he became under the book's circumstances?

Survival Pack

If you had time to put a survival pack together, what would you include? How does this compare to the items in the survival pack Brian pulls out of the plane? Why doesn't Brian use all of these items?

Lessons learned from the animals

Explain what lessons Brian learned form the following: the bear, the porcupine and the skunk, the mother bear and her cubs, the wolves, and the moose. How did he learn each lesson?


Were you surprised by the events described in the Epilogue? Did you wish events had turned out differently? Explain.

Questions for Brian

What questions would you like to ask Brian about his experience? Do you find his experience believable? How do you think you would have dealt with a similar situation?

Lessons Learned

What are the most important lessons Brian learns about the natural world? How does his time in the wolderness affect his attitude toward the land and the animals?

How does surviving change you?

How do you think surviving in the wilderness would change you? What would it be like for you if you were isolated from other human beings and had no one to talk to?

Your Greatest Assets

What are your greatest assets? How might these assets help you succeed in life?


Here are a few links to Hatchet quizzes.

Try this short one - Spark Notes Quiz:

Quizzes by Chapter:

Choose one of these and explain the quotation in your own words.
Explanations of Quotations: